Under Importe & Exporte - Bestelldaten, you can either export all orders within a defined period of time manually or set up an automatic export of orders containing unshipped items on a regular basis.
Manual Export
When exporting orders manually, you can specify the period for which you would like to export orders. In this case, all paid and valid orders from the specified period are included. You will receive the result by e-mail.
Set up Automatic Export
With the automatic order export, it is possible for you to receive all new incoming orders at regular intervals (every 15 minutes, hourly, every 2 hours, daily). This order export only contains orders that contain unshipped items. You receive the result either as an e-mail attachment or as a link to the file via webhook.
You can choose between the two formats CSV (recommended) or Excel. The old version of the CSV format („alte Version bis 03/2024" = old version until 03/2024) is offered as a third format until further notice. Please only use this format for existing integrations and convert the corresponding integration to the current CSV format as soon as possible. The advantages of the new format are, on the one hand, the avoidance of duplicate information by removing some columns and, on the other hand, the important additional information of the order and article status as new columns.
Order and Item Status
In the CSV format, you will find the column "order-status" for the status of the order and "lineitem-status" for the status of the respective item. Both columns can contain the following values:
cancelled (storniert)
pending (unbearbeitet)
accepted (angenommen)
shipped (versendet)
return_announced (Retoure angemeldet)
returned (Retoure angekommen)