It is generally possible to offer personalized products on Avocadostore. In this case, it is important that this option is communicated transparently via the product variants (e.g. Modell: Personalisiert) and the product description.
In particular, the purchase process and the conditions must be made clear. If customers would like to use the personalization option, they have to write an email with the order number and the individualization request to your email address after the purchase on Avocadostore.
We therefore ask you to include the following text clearly visible for our customers in the product description:
Du möchtest dein Produkt individualisieren?
- Bitte sende nach dem Kauf deine Bestellnummer und deinen Wunschtext an [Your email address]
- Bitte beachte, dass Bestellungen erst bearbeitet werden können, wenn der Individualisierungswunsch eingegangen ist.
If applicable:
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