The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act is embedded in the general waste legislation under the Act on Promoting Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management and Ensuring Environmentally Compatible Waste Disposal and regulates a specific area of waste generated by electrical and electronic equipment.
According to § 2 paragraph 1, it applies to electrical and electronic equipment that falls under ten listed categories, namely:
- Large household appliances
- Small household appliances
- Information and telecommunication technology equipment
- Consumer electronics equipment
- lighting equipment
- electrical and electronic tools with the exception of large stationary industrial tools
- toys and sports and leisure equipment
- medical devices with the exception of implanted and infectious products
- monitoring and control instruments
- automatic dispensing devices
You probably already know which obligations apply to suppliers of these products.
What is new is that as of July 1, 2023, electronic marketplaces such as Avocadostore and fulfillment service providers will have extended due diligence obligations regarding the compliance of their distributors and principals with the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act. If required registrations cannot be proven, the corresponding products must be deactivated.
Therefore, we ask you to provide the equipment you offer that is affected by the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act with the respective WEEE number of the manufacturer so that we can fulfill our due diligence obligation.
For this purpose we have provided a field within the product creation process which is clearly marked. If this field is not filled in, you are declaring that the product is not a device affected by the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act. If you are unsure in the case of your equipment, it is best to obtain information from the Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräteregister (EAR). We ask you to take this information into account immediately for all newly created products and also to update it for your existing products.