If a package is lost, you can obtain a written affidavit from the customer stating that the shipment did not arrive. You can use the affidavit to claim the loss from the shipping service provider and seek compensation. Please refer to the respective requirements of the service provider you have chosen.
To fulfill the purchase contract, you are still obligated to deliver the goods to the customer or arrange for a refund.
Option 1: Replacement delivery
First of all, please make sure that the customer still wants to receive the goods and wants a replacement delivery. In case of a replacement delivery, please always inform us of the new shipment number and also save it in the shop backend.
Option 2: Refund
If the customer does not want a replacement delivery or you can not deliver the goods again, you have the option to book a special refund in the amount of the order value (purchase price including shipping costs) in the shop backend. Please select the reason "Paket verloren" (package lost) for this.